The details

Okeanos was the eldest of the Titans. Son of Uranos (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth), he was the origin of freshwater, god of rivers, lakes and rain clouds.

With 280 days of annual precipitation. "Okeanos rising" was an obvious symbol for Bergen rising as a tournament location and destination for Warhammer 40K events.

Reservations: Ticket sales start on october 15th


Warhammer 40K GW terrain layout and WTC FAQ for clarifications

Tournament will be 5 matches - each lasting 3 hours

Terrain, deployment, missions and mission rules are pre-determined in 5 variations that are posted on this page and obviously on the tables.

Every player rotates through all all 5 table variations.

Pairings and Points through BCP

Our preparations

As this is an inaugural event we are mindfull the interest for this first year can vary greatly.

Due to the size of the venue and the reservations made, we have significant leeway in accommodating according to interest.

Original capacity is 56 players

1st expansion is 64 players

2nd TBD


If the situation occurs that interest is higher than the originally planned capacity then please contact us through the email:

We will add you to the waiting list and if the numbers are there we will make the adjustments and add the additional space.

Our terrain

We are currently 3d-printing terrain and will continue to prepare additional terrain in the coming months,

Reserving your slot


You can register using any of the payment options.


Remember to make a note of club/team in the BCP app to avoid getting paired with your friends in round 1.

Union of boardgamer tournaments

are cash prize tournaments, because we believe professional conduct deserves a fitting reward. Prizes depend on size of tournament and number of participants.

Tournament winner: no less than 250 euro/3000nkr*

2nd placing: if more than 40 participants*

3rd placing: if more than 64 participants*

*Final prize allotment will be published by end of year.


Pariah nexus tournament companion


Code of conduct and tournament rules coming soon!




You can register with the event 24 hours in advcance through the BCP app

TO: Robert Skog Skjong

Main judge: Patrick John Woods


Coffee and water provided to attendees. Additional services are subject to the economy of the event. Priority is on providing meaningfull prizes.

There are also countless restaurants and coffee shops within a 2-5 minute walk from the venue.

Terrain layout, deployments and missions will be posted here


There will be 56 tickets available*

NOK 495

US$ 48

EUR 44


VIPPS for Norwegians*

Paypal option for those coming from abroad*

*Details coming soon


UPDATE 18.09.24:

A deal has been reached and this section will change once the contract has been signed

How to get to the venue

Bus or light rail from the airport to the city center and a 4-7 minute walk to the suggested hotels. Scandic Ørnen being the closer to the train and bus terminal. Walk from terminals to venue is 5-6 minutes.

Several floors of parking on top of the bus terminal (bystasjonen).

The hotels and the venue are all in the city centre and the whole city is basically at your fingertips.

What can your partner do in Bergen?

It`s february, there will be snow or the will be rain- possibly both.

*Ticket sales commence on october 15th

IMPORTANT: As this inaugural event is run at a loss, there is no room for refunds.